Judith A. Sumner
3500 Hayden Pl, #5
Boulder, CO 80301
----- Original Message -----
From: MM <>
To: <fire-flood@csf.colorado.edu>
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2000 9:38 AM
Subject: It's All Connected
> These issues of drought, fire and flood obviously overlap to some extent
> and ultimately are all connected. We've posted some thoughts on the
> interconnectivity for you to consider at:
> http://bcn.boulder.co.us/basin/forum/connected.html
> During the Walker Ranch fire last month there was concern at one point
> that the chemicals in the slurry (specifically cyanide) used to try to
> retard the fire's progress could impact the water of South Boulder
> Creek, which is a source of drinking water for Louisville and Lafayette.
> Donna Scott of the city of Boulder, who has helped organize a
> multi-agency look at the aftermath of the Walker Ranch Fire and possible
> impact on water quality, has put together a summary at:
> http://bcn.boulder.co.us/basin/forum/walkerWQ.html
> What are your thoughts on these complex issues where trying to deal with
> one problem can create another problem?
> Mark McCaffrey
> See http://basin.org/forum/fire-flood.html for more information on this
See http://basin.org/forum/fire-flood.html for more information on this list.