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City of Boulder
Valley School District
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Spanish Books
Water Resource Educator 413-7365
Water Conservation Specialist 413-7407
Stormwater Quality Office 413-7350
Drinking Water Program 413-7400
Open Space Education 441-4142
Mt. Parks Education 441-3408
Environmental Affairs Office 441-3090
Boulder Public Library 441-3100
Boulder Valley School District
Science Coordinator 447-5106
Talented & Gifted 447-5087
Science Fair 447-5067
Technology 447-5092
Places to Go on Tour (5th grade and above)
Boulder Wastewater Treatment Plant, Superintendent
Boulder Drinking Water Treatment Plant, Superintendent
Boulder Creek Path and Fish Observatory
Available for checkout from Water Resource Educator
English Titles
E1. Bellamy, David, 1988. Our Changing World, The River. New York: Clarkson N. Potter,Inc., pp.1-24.
E2. Caduto, Michael, 1990. Pond and Brook. Hanover: University Press of New England, pp.iii-276.
E3. Cole, Joanna, 1986. The Magic School Bus at the Waterworks. New York: Scholastic Inc., pp.7- 39.
E4. Cooper, Ann, Ann Armstrong, & Carol Kampert, 1991. The Wildwatch Book: Ideas, Activities, and Projects for Exploring the Wildlife of Colorado's Front Range. Colorado: Roberts Rinehart Publishers, pp.1-96.
E5. Dewey, Jennifer Owings, 1987. At the Edge of the Pond. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, pp.1-45.
E6. Doan, Kenneth, Dr., 1987. Wilderness Album Series, FISH. Canada: Hyperion Press Limited, pp.2-40.
E7. Housby, Trevor, 1990. The Concise Illustrated Book of Freshwater Fish. New York: Gallery Books, pp.6-46.
E8. Jennings, Terry, 1985. The Young Scientist Investigates Pond Life. Chicago: Childrens Press, pp.2-34.
E9. Lyons, Janet, & Sandra Jordan, 1989. Walking the Wetlands. New York: John Wiley & Sons, pp.vii-222.
E10. Parker, Steve, 1990. Eyewitness Books, FISH. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, pp.6-63.
E11. Reid, George, Dr., 1987. Pond Life. New York: Golden Press, pp.2-160.
E12. Robertson, Kayo, 1991. Signs Along the River: Learning to Read the Natural Landscape. Colorado: Roberts Rinehart Publishers, pp.1-64.
E13. Sabin, Francene, 1982. Wonders of the Pond. New Jersey: Troll Associates, pp.3-32.
E14. Schaffner, Herbert, 1989. Freshwater Game Fish of North America. New York: Gallery Books, pp.10-144.
E15. Schwartz, David, 1988. The Hidden Life of the Pond. New York: Crown Publishers, Inc., pp.1- 38.
E16. Thompson, Peter, 1985. Thompson's Guide to Freshwater Fishes. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, pp.ix-205.
E17. Water Pollution Control Federation, 1990. Saving Water: The Student's Resource Guide. Virginia: Public Eduaction Program of WPCF, pp.2-22.
E18. Water Pollution Control Federation, 1988. Surface Water: The Student's Resource Guide. Virginia: Public Education Program of WPCF, pp.3-30.
E19. Water Pollution Control Federation, 1987. Wastewater Treatment: The Student's Resource Guide. Virginia: Public Education Program of WPCF, pp.6-30.
E20. Wheeler, Alwyne, 1991. Uborne First Nature, FISHES. Oklahoma: EDC Publishing, pp.2-24.
E21. Cherry, Lynne, 1992. A River Ran Wild. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers, pp. 1-26.
E22. Cole, Joanna, 1992. The Magic School Bus on the Ocean Floor. New York: Scholastic Inc., pp. 4-41.
E23. Ganeri, Anita, 1992. And Now... the Weather. New York: Aladin Books, pp. 2-29.
E24. Taylor, Barbara, 1992. River Life. New York: Dorling Kindersley, Inc., pp. 8-29.
E25. Taylor, Kim, 1992. Water. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., pp. 4-32.
E26. Butterfield, Moira, 1991. Frog. New York: Little Simon, pp. 16.
E27. Goldman Koss, Amy, 1987. Where Fish Go in Winter. Los Angeles: Price Stern Sloan, pp. 30.
E28. Locker, Thomas, 1984. Where the River Begins. New York: Dial Books, pp. 26.
E29. Moorhead, Carol Ann, 1992. Colorado's Backyard Wildlife. Colorado: Roberts Rinehart Publishers, pp. 130.
E30. Schmidt, Gerald D., 1990. Let's Go Fishing! Colorado: Roberts Rinehard Publishers, pp. 85.
E31. Seixas, Judith, 1987. Water: What it is, What it Does. New York: Greenwillow Books, pp. 55.
E32. Water Pollution Control Federation, 1989. The Groundwater Adventure. Public Education Program of WPCF, pp. 30.
E33. Barrett, Norman, 1989. Rivers and Lakes. New York: Franklin Watts, pp. 32.
E34. Berry, Joy, 1984. What To Do When Your Mom or Dad Says... "Turn Off the Water & Lights!" Grolier Enterprises Corp, pp. 48.
E35. Liptak, Karen, 1991. Saving Our Wetlands and Their Wildlife. New York: Franklin Watts, pp. 61.
E36. Thompson-Hoffman, Susan, 1989. Delver's Danger. Smithsonian Wild Heritage Collection, pp. 31.
E37. Wheeler, Jill, 1990. The Water We Drink. Minnesotta: Abdo & Daughters, pp. 32.
E38. Peters, Lisa Westberg, 1991. Water's Way. New York: Arcade Publishing, Inc., pp. 28.
E39. Bruchac, Joseph. Koluscap and the Water Monster; Native American Stories. Colorado: Fulcrum Publishing, pp. 5.
E40. Kalman, Bobbie and Janine Schaub, 1992. Wonderful Water. New York: Crabtree Publishing Company, pp. 31.
S1. Jennings, Terry, 1988. El Joven Investigador, El Agua. Madrid: Oxford University Press, pp.2- 32.
S2. Jennings, Terry, 1990. El Joven Investigador, Vida acuatica. Madrid: Oxford University Press, pp.2-32.
S3. George, Jean Craighead, 1983. La Tierra que Habla. Madrid: Ediciones Alfaguara, S.A., pp.11- 133.
S4. Gil, Fernando Martinez, 1980. El Rio de los Castores. Madrid: Editorial Noguer, S. A., pp.11- 122.
S5. Vendrell, Carme Sole, & Josep Mo Parramon, 1985. Senses, Seasons and Elements Series, El Agua. New York: Barron's, pp.1-26.
Available for checkout from Water Resource Educator
V1. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services, 1987. "America's Wetlands". Time 25:50.
V2. National Geographic Society, 1987. "Rocky Mountain Beaver Pond". Time 60:00.
V3. Tell Me Why, The Childrens Video Encyclopedia, 1987. "Fish, Shellfish, and Other Underwater Life". Time 30:00.
V4. Time Life Video, 1987. "The Living Planet, Sweet Fresh Water". Time 60:00.
V5. Water Pollution Control Federation, 1987. "Saving Water: The Conservation Video". Time 8:00.
V6. Water Pollution Control Federation, 1987. "H2O TV: The Wastewater Video". Time 10:48.
V7. City of Boulder, Channel 8, 1988. "The Boulder Water Story". Time 13:30.
V8. Colorado Wildlife Heritage Foundation, 1992. "Water Wonders". Time 24:30.
V9. 3-2-1 Contact, 1991. "Down the Drain." Time 30.
V10. Oregon State Extension Service, 1996. "We All Live Down Stream." Time 28:30
V11. National Geographic Special, 1993. "The Power of Water." Time 55
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F1. National Geographic Society, 1978. "Saving Our Planet- Saving Our Land & Saving Our Air and Water". Time 14:00 each.
F2. National Geographic Society, 1989. "A World of Water- Earth's Lifeline & Water, Water, Everywhere?". Time 14:00 each.
F3. National Geographic Society, 1985. "The Water's Edge: Life Along the Great Rivers- The Amazon, The Mississippi & The Nile". Time 16-18:00 each.
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