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Activity Materials
2. Locate the aquarium as close the sink as possible making sure the stand is strong enough to support the filled aquarium (a full 30 gallon aquarium will weigh approximately 300 pounds). 3. Assemble your undergravel filter according to directions and place in the bottom of the empty aquarium. 4. Carefully add gravel over the undergravel filter to the depth of 1-2 inches. Make sure to have the gravel deeper on one end of the aquarium to make a land area for the salamanders. 5. Connect air tubing to one of the lift tubes of the undergravel filter and adjust the other lift tube to accommodate the power head filter following the directions on the package. Attach an air tube to the air stone and position it towards the rear of the aquarium, leaving space so your external filter lift tube will not pull bubbles into the filter. 6. Install the heater according to the directions on the box. It is important that the heater be under water for it to work correctly. If raising salamanders that have matured, you will want to make sure that the heater is completely under water once you have drawn it down to make it have land/half water. The heater can be installed horizontally at this time. The water in the tank should be around 65 degrees Fahrenheit. 7. For both fish and larval salamanders you will fill the aquarium within a couple of inches of the top. As the gills of the salamanders begin to be absorbed, you can start drawing down the level of water to expose an area of land with rocks and moss for the salamanders to rest on. Make sure that the tank is up and running for at least 24 hours before you introduce either fish or salamanders to their new home. By allowing the tank to run for 24 hours, all chlorine in the water will be dispersed. Place plastic plants (if you have them) and large rocks to create a tunnel or cave for the salamanders to hide under (we encourage you to find round, flat rocks from the areas where you will be releasing your salamanders). Be careful when placing the plants that you do not dig up your cooling tube. 8. Hook up all air tubing to the gang valve and then to the air pump. Plug in air pump and adjust air flow to the air stone and the lift tube of the undergravel filter. 9. Assemble the external filter according to directions provided and place it in the appropriate position on the aquarium. Start the filter (according to directions) and check that it is functioning properly. 10. Place cover on aquarium and determine if it needs any adjustments to accommodate the external filter, air lines and power cords. It is important that the aquarium cover fit in such a way as to leave no holes large enough for the salamanders to get out. 11. Turn the light on in the aquarium each morning and turn it off each night. It is okay to leave the light off over the weekend. 12. For decoration, have students create a scenic mural for the back of the aquarium, to be taped onto the outside. If the aquarium is going to be near a window, it is important to cover the side nearest the window with dark paper. 1. Conduct comparison water tests between the aquarium and your adopted waterway. 2. Design your aquarium to be similar to the natural habitat that you will release your species into. 3. Create a web page and share your findings and investigations with others. 4. Plan a big release party
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