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Water quality parameters provide important information about the health of a water body. These parameters are used to find out if the quality of water is good enough for drinking water, recreation, irrigation, and aquatic life. But what do the parameters really mean? How are they measured? What natural and man-made factors affect them? This page provides a brief summary of what each water quality parameter means, and also links to more extensive information.
Alkalinity refers to how well a water
body can neutralize acids. Alkalinity measures the amount of alkaline
compounds in water, such as carbonates (CO 3 2- ),
bicarbonates (HCO 3 - ), and hydroxides (OH - ). These compounds are natural buffers that can remove excess hydrogen ions that have been added from sources such as acid rain or acid mine drainage. Alkalinity mitigates or relieves metals toxicity by using available HCO
3 - and CO 3 2-
to take metals out of solution, thus making it unavailable to fish.
Alkalinity is affected by the geology of the watershed; watersheds
containing limestone will have a higher alkalinity than watersheds where
granite is predominant.
More information on Alkalinity
Dissolved Oxygen (DO)
is the amount of oxygen dissolved in the water. DO is a
very important indicator of a water body's ability to support aquatic
life. Fish "breathe" by absorbing dissolved oxygen through their gills.
Oxygen enters the water by absorption directly from the atmosphere or by
aquatic plant and algae photosynthesis. Oxygen is removed from the water by
respiration and decomposition of organic matter. The amount of DO in water
depends on several factors, including temperature (the colder the water,
the more oxygen can be dissolved); the volume and velocity of water flowing
in the water body; and the amount of organisms using oxygen for
respiration. The amount of oxygen dissolved in water is expressed as a
concentration, in milligrams per liter (mg/l) of water. Human activities
that affect DO levels include the removal of riparian vegetation, runoff
from roads, and sewage discharge.
More information on Dissolved Oxygen
Fecal Coliform
are present in the feces and intestinal tracts of humans
and other warm-blooded animals, and can enter water bodies from human and
animal waste. If a large number of fecal coliform bacteria (over 200
colonies/100 ml of water sample) are found in water, it is possible that
pathogenic (disease- or illness-causing) organisms are also present in the
water. Pathogens are typically present in such small amounts it is
impractical monitor them directly. High concentrations of the bacteria in
water may be caused by septic tank failure, poor pasture and animal keeping
practices, pet waste, and urban runoff.
More information on Fecal Coliform
is the volume of water moving past a point
in a unit of time. Two things make up flow: the volume of water in the
stream, and the velocity of the water moving past a given point. Flow
affects the concentration of dissolved oxygen, natural substances, and
pollutants in a water body. Flow is measured in units of cubic feet per
second (cfs).
generally refers to the amount of
calcium and magnesium in water. In household use, these cations (ions
with a charge greater than +1) can prevent soap from sudsing and leave
behind a white scum in bathtubs. In the aquatic environment, calcium and
magnesium help keep fish from absorbing metals, such as lead, arsenic,
and cadmium, into their bloodstream through their gills. Therefore, the
harder the water, the less easy it is for toxic metals to absorb onto
More information on Hardness
is required by all organisms for the basic
processes of life to make proteins, to grow, and to reproduce. Nitrogen is
very common and found in many forms in the environment. Inorganic forms
nitrate (NO
nitrite (NO
ammonia (NH
, and
nitrogen gas (N
Organic nitrogen is found in the cells of all living things and is a
component of proteins, peptides, and amino acids. Excessive concentrations of
nitrate, nitrite, or ammonia can be harmful to humans and wildlife. High
levels of nitrate, along with phosphate, can overstimulate the growth of
aquatic plants and algae, resulting in high dissolved oxygen consumption,
causing death of fish and other aquatic organisms. This process is called
eutrophication. Nitrate, nitrite, and ammonia enter waterways from lawn
fertilizer run-off, leaking septic tanks, animal wastes, industrial waste
waters, sanitary landfills and discharges from car exhausts.
More information on Nitrogen Species
measures hydrogen
concentration in water and is presented on a scale from 0 to 14. A
solution with a pH value of 7 is neutral; a solution with a pH value
less than 7 is acidic; a solution with a pH value greater than 7 is
basic. Natural waters usually have a pH between 6 and 9. The scale is
negatively logarithmic, so each whole number (reading downward) is ten
times the preceding one (for example, pH 5.5 is 100 times as acidic as
pH 7.5). The pH of natural waters can be made acidic or basic by human
activities such as acid mine drainage and emissions from coal-burning power
plants and heavy automobile traffic.
More information on pH
is a nutrient
required by all organisms for the basic processes of life. Phosphorus is a
natural element found in rocks, soils and organic material. Its
concentrations in clean waters is generally very low; however, phosphorus is
used extensively in fertilizer and other chemicals, so it can be found in
higher concentrations in areas of human activity. Phosphorus is generally
found as phosphate (PO
). High levels of phosphate,
along with nitrate, can overstimulate the growth of aquatic plants and algae,
resulting in high dissolved oxygen consumption, causing death of fish and
other aquatic organisms. The primary sources of phosphates to surface water
are detergents, fertilizers, and natural mineral deposits.
More information on Phosphorus Species
is a measure of how well water can pass an
electrical current. It is an indirect measure of the presence of
inorganic dissolved solids, such as chloride, nitrate, sulfate,
phosphate, sodium, magnesium, calcium, and iron. These substances
conduct electricity because they are negatively or positively charged
when dissolved in water. The concentration of dissolved solids, or the
conductivity, is affected by the bedrock and soil in the watershed. It
is also affected by human influences. For example, agricultural runoff
can raise conductivity because of the presence of phosphate and nitrate.
More information on Specific Conductance
of water is a very important factor
for aquatic life. It controls the rate of metabolic and reproductive
activities. Most aquatic organisms are "cold-blooded," which means they
can not control their own body temperatures. Their body temperatures become
the temperature of the water around them. Cold-blooded organisms are
adapted to a specific temperature range. If water temperatures vary too
much, metabolic activities can malfunction. Temperature also affects the
concentration of dissolved oxygen and can influence the activity of
bacteria in a water body.
More information on Temperature
Total Organic Carbon (TOC):
Organic matter plays a major role in aquatic
systems. It affects biogeochemical processes, nutrient cycling,
biological availability,chemical transport and interactions. It also has
direct implications in the planning of wastewater treatment and drinking
water treatment. Organic matter content is typically measured as total
organic carbon and dissolved organic carbon, which are essential
components of the carbon cycle.
More information on Aqueous Organic Carbon
"Total solids"
refers to matter suspended or dissolved in water or wastewater, and is
related to both specific conductance and turbidity. Total Solids includes
total suspended solids (TSS)
, the portion of total
solids retained by a filter, and
total dissolved solids
, the portion that passes through a filter. High levels of TDS
or TSS can cause health problems for aquatic life.
More information on Total Solids
is a measure of the cloudiness of
water- the cloudier the water, the greater the turbidity. Turbidity in water
is caused by suspended matter such as clay, silt, and organic matter and by
plankton and other microscopic organisms that interfere with the passage of
light through the water. Turbidity is closely related to total suspended
solids (TSS), but also includes plankton and other organisms. Turbidity
itself is not a major health concern, but high turbidity can interfere with
disinfection and provide a medium for microbial growth. It also may indicate
the presence of microbes. High turbidity can be caused by soil erosion, urban
runoff, and high flow rates.
More information on Turbidity