Longmont Citzens for Justice and Democracy
Mission Statement
We come together to nurture a vital civil society in the Longmont
We value education, and open-minded critical thinking among ourselves,
and as an offering to the larger community.
We want to provide venues for people to express themselves regarding
Justice and Democracy.
We fervently believe that Democracy is a VERB: we don't have
democracy, we do it. And we are doing democracy here in Longmont by renewing civil society.
Our democracy is threatened by illegitimate corporate power.
Our media, which continues to shrink into fewer and fewer
corporatized conglomerates obscures public knowledge that is vital to a
functioning democracy.
Corporate influence of elections and regulatory agencies results in unelected policy makers.
- The very notion of Justice has slipped from our common lexicon
as it is inimical to mass consumerism and the mind-numbing influence of public
relations, spin and advertising.
We want to reintroduce Justice into
people's repertoire so that they can connect to deeper yearnings in
themselves, and help them direct the goodness of their hearts into
- We recognize economic injustice in a growing wealth-gap in America that
erodes the democratic process.
- We recognize social injustice in racism and and homogenization of
- We recognize and refuse to turn away from a litany of crimes that
been committed against peoples of the world by our government, with our
dollars, for the benefit of multinational profit, without our knowledge
We offer an alternative vision and challenge people to create
democracy, here and now in our community.
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Web Design: Pierre Malraison