Longmont Citzens for Justice and Democracy


Ciudadanos de Longmont para Democracia y Justicia - La Misión

What we are about.
A letter from the veterans in our group submitted to the Longmont Times-Call.
Our advertisement in the Times-Call.
Register to vote!


Things we do. -
Recent actions...
Ford: June 7th
Peace Caravan: June 16th Updated 16 June, 2003

Demonstrations:Wednesday from 5:30-6:30. Saturday from 2-3 Sixth and Main, or close if counter-protestors are where we usually meet.

Please look at our demonstration guidelines at: http://bcn.boulder.co.us/community/lcjd/guide.htm

Study Groups

Want to join or start a study group?

We think now is a good time to encourage people to get together and study the root causes of war on people and the environment, and the context that is allowing for an unprecedented wealth gap in the US.

Longmont Bill of Rights Defense Committee

Our revised resolution has been endorsed by Mary Keenan, Boulder County District Attorney.

We did a MARCH about the Patriot Act March 15th! and a Library talk March 17th. See also the latest articles on the subject.


Ask us questions or tell us about other events.


How to write letters and so forth.


Links we like.- Updated 4 february, 2003

We are getting large enough hand-editing the email list was getting out of hand. So we are now also a Yahoo group!

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Web Host: Boulder Community Network
Web Design: Pierre Malraison