We the patriots listed below, having served in this nation's Armed Forces, during times of war and peace, believe it is time to speak out against the United States' position on war with Iraq.
We, who have served this country honorably, now proudly stand up and say NO WAR with Iraq. War will not end terrorism. A war with Iraq will only cause more terrorism here in the United States and will increase hatred toward us in the Moslem world. Furthermore, President Bush's policy of declaring a Pre-emptive Strike against perceived enemies is UNAMERICAN and grossly in error.
We want to make it clear, we support all men and women currently serving in the Armed Forces, however we disagree with our government's position on war.
Unjust and cruel leaders rule many nations around the globe. In many instances the United States has aided these same leaders when it served our interests. But when we decide they are no longer useful for meeting our goals, we sometimes demonize them. Does this give the United States the right to unilaterally overthrow the governments of other sovereign nations?
The United States may not always agree with the way other nations govern, but if we truly believe in liberty and freedom, we must respect their right to govern as they choose.
The tradition and values the United States was founded on and fought for, are now under attack by our own response to the terrorist acts of September 11, 2001. The Patriot Act, enacted shortly after this horrible event, reduces our civil liberties and restricts our rights. We are letting the terrorists win by moving toward a police state mentality in our government. We are also looking at other nations and threatening war if they act and think differently from us. We are loosing respect in the eyes of countries around the world; they see us a bully and unreasonable.
What are we as a nation coming to? This is not what we served and fought for in the past. It also is not what we believe in and not what this nation should stand for.
Join us at every Saturday, ( 2PM at 6th and Main ) in opposing this unjust war with Iraq.
Ron Hoffmaster United States Air Force 1960-1964 970-535-0403
Jack Slavin United States Navy 1983-1989 720-771-8420
Bob Franch United States Navy 1966-1969
John Parsons United States Army 1967-1969 303-829-3918
Dennis Zekoff United States Army 1972-1974
Don Boyer United States Air force 1960-1966
Mike Beall United States Navy 1942-1946
Rick Fitzgerald United States Navy 1970-1971
Stuart Chase United States Marine Corps 1966-1970 303-440-8308
Jim Kenworthy United States Marine Corps 1958-1964 303-774-9519
Wayne Parent United States Air Force 1960-1965
Charles Elliston United States Army 1969-1979
Jim Minor United States Air Force 1961-1965
Jim Clayton United States Navy 1966-1970
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