Katchina Daisy

The Cedar Mesa Project

First Aid while in Grand Gulch

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"I had had a few narrow escapes from rattlers and crumbling cliffs and a misadventure with some wild bees... A few more stings would have been too much for me. I was three or four days getting my eyes open and recovering the use of my hands."
Rusho, W. L., Everett Ruess, A Vagabond of Beauty, Peregrine Smith Books, Salt Lake City, 1983. p 178.

All of us have had misadventures hiking and backpacking. We can't always avoid accidents, but being prepared in the event an accident does happen is wise. We suggest that every member of your party have a personal first aid kit to carry, especially on day hikes, and with it (perhaps in the same container) survival items for the unexpected night out. If there are than 2-4 hikers traveling in difficult terrain, it is recommended that the group carry a more sophisticated medical kit.

Prepackaged medical supplies are available on the market for $10 and up. Large suppliers also sell individual kit items and containers. Prepackaged kits have disadvantages, however. You might prefer different items than the ones selected for you, and when you choose item by item, you know what is included. Also, as items are used up, remember to replace them.

Suggestion - put today's date on all supplies so you know when to replace them.

Here are some suggestions for a wilderness medical kit:

Additional items to consider:

Do Not dispense prescription drugs to anyone but yourself unless you are trained or certified to do so.

In case of emergencies, emergency radio communication and limited aid can be gotten from the rangers at the Kane Gulch Ranger Station when the station is open. (The current schedule is March through October.)

Remember that cell phones usually cannot be relied upon in the canyons.

Extended search and rescue throughout the Cedar Mesa area is provided by the San Juan County Sheriff's Office. Response time for the Search And Rescue Team to respond can be as much as 24 hours, and searches are usually conducted only during daylight hours.

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