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Last Update: December 15, 2000.

Internet Center
Javascript Language Support

This page provides links to resources about the Javascript programming language which is being used for a lot of web page development.

Directory to sections in this page -

Javascript Language Support

Netscape has an excellent guide to the Javascript language -

Netscape has a general Reference Guide to the Javascript language -

Here is an Object Road Map and Compatibility Guide in *.PDF format, by by Danny Goodman. Print it out for a wall reference -

JavaScript Goodies -

Dynamic HTML -

Search for an already written javascript -

The JavaScript Weenie has lots of information for the beginner -

Here is a Javascript Pro you can pose questions to -

Various Articles about Using Javascript

Html Editors and Converters

User's Groups for Javascript

There are apparently no user groups supporting Javascript in the Colorado area at this time. PLease notify us if you know of a group to list here.

Other Internet Resources -

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