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Last Update: October 25, 2000.

Windows 3.xx Operating Systems

Go to the following links to get information about the Windows 3.xx Operating Systems.

Microsoft Corporation has released Y2K compliance information on their web site. This is an excellent site for obtaining current information on Microsoft products and obtaining patches or "work-arounds" for Microsoft software. However, you should ensure a patch is absolutely necessary and fully tested by your organization in a non-production environment before utilizing ANY Y2K software patches! 

Windows operating systems and BIOS interactions

An excellent discussion of the interactions between various Windows operating systems and the BIOS is at Micro Firmware's article on "The Y2K Date Rollover Problem on PC Systems." by Terry Slade. That article's comments are worth repeating here -

"... If the system is running under WIN3.1x over the century change, the date should roll over properly, just it would under DOS, but after rebooting the system it would show a date of 01-04-1980.

"Windows 95 also does not correct for the date rollover problem, although it may appear to if testing is not done carefully.

"Windows 98 does appear to correct for the date rollover problem, however this correction is thwarted if the system is booted from a DOS diskette on the first boot after the century change. The date would then be 01/04/80 and when Windows 98 is restarted it will keep this date until manually changed."

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BCN/Internet Center Coordinator: E. Stiltner