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Current Theme: BASIN News Reports

News about Boulder Creek Watershed Issues

USGS Hydrologist (and BASIN contributor) reports on the health of Boulder Creek (03/31/06)
New EPA sponsored study stimulates local effort to discontinue drinking water fluoridation (03/23/06)
2006 Energy Policy act quietly lifts limites on Colorado Oil and Gas developemnt (03/26/06)
State water supply roundtables clarify future issues and options (03/25/06)
Longmont eyes hydroelectric potential in water supply infrastucture (03/24/06)
State records reveal pollution discharge limits violated by 48% of permit holders (03/24/06)
New NCAR study finds faster glacial ice melting rates and rising sea levels (03/24/06)
New report renews questions about drinking water fluoridation (03/23/06)
Lafayette budgets for stormwater infrastucture improvements (03/23/06)
Share of the oil and gas royalities proposed to mitigate split estate conflicts (03/23/06)
World's poor turning to bottled water as public water infrastucture investment dries up (03/22/06)
Outgoing Interior Secretary yeilds public roads debate to state claims (03/22/06)
Boulder City Council rejects initiative requiring public votes on major annexations (03/21/06)
Unequal distribution of snowfall may result in summer watering restrictions in Aurora while neighboring Denver spills water to avoid flooding (03/21/06)
Barker pipeline failure attributed to faulty maintenance procedures (03/17/06)
PUC rules Xcel owns renewable energy credits generated by City of Boulder hydroelectric facilities (03/16/06)
Residents raise frequent plant malfunctions in questioning safety of Cemex tire burning (03/15/06)
Bids for controversial Genesee reservoir approaching twice the budgeted cost (03/15/06)
USGS scientists report on potential endocrine-disrupting chemicals in Boulder Creek (03/15/06)
County leaders pan plan to sell off Forest Service land to support schools, including 2100 acres in Boulder County (03/14/06)
BLM admits accelerated oil and gas drilling permit process increasingly difficult (03/14/06)
Boulder County Health joins watchdog group in questioning Cemex permit to fire cement kiln with used tires (03/13/06)
Proposed weakening of EPA's Toxic Release Inventory would have local impacts (03/12/06)
Resignation of Interior Secretary Norton prompts mixed reaction while Bush is expected to look to a westerner for replacment (03/11/06)
JeffCo Health Department finds heavy metal contamination in monitoring wells (03/11/06)
Farmer and Oilman partner to treat groundwater/oil mix to produce useful water resources (03/09/06)
CDPHE and USGS study explores impact of atmospheric nitrogen pollution on surface water habitats in Rocky Mtn. Nat. Park (03/09/06)
While a BLM environmental assessment delays Roan Plateau drilling leases, oil companies blaze 2 new roads to access private land (03/09/06)
The Colorado Trappers Association seeks permission to trap more species to clarify their endangered status (03/09/06)
Boulder County waiting for Longmont and Frederick to sign onto Weld County open space purchase (03/09/06)
BLM nominates endangered black footed ferret habitat for oil and gas development (03/08/06)
Warm and windy winter along Front Range raises significant fire concern and further stress on high plains agriculture (03/07/06)
Colorado Oil and Gas well inspections lagging admidst state wide drilling boom (03/07/06)
Boulder City Council to consider Boulder Feeder Canal Trail proposal (03/06/06)
2006 Energy Policy Act forces EPA to drop review of controversial hydraulic fracturing procedure with potential impact unknown (03/06/06)
Legislature again to consider conflicts between surface and mineral rights arising from energy development on split estate property (03/06/06)
Despite healthy snowpack in northern mountains, Front Range and southern mountain wildfire threat high and growing (03/05/06)
Recreational target shooters suspected cause of 6 acre wildfire in Left Hand Canyon (03/05/06)
New USGS survey finds pesticide contamination in virtually all American surface waters (03/04/06)
CU study finds changes in Antartic snow and ice pack melting much faster than anticipated (03/03/06)
Colorado snowpack receeding slightly, remaining healthy in northern basins and depleted to the south (03/02/06)
Small wildfire in Sunshine Canyon briefly threatens numerous home in Pine Brook Hills subdivision (03/02/06)
INSTAAR's February Niwot Ridge Snowpack report is now available (03/02/06)
Boulder Creek recovering from Barker pipeline overflow (03/01/06)
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BASIN is supported by the US EPA, the City of Boulder, WASH, BCWI and BCN
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