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Current Theme: BASIN News Reports

News about Boulder Creek Watershed Issues

Boulder County launches public online property mapping/aerial photos web site (4/7/05)
Fort Collins voters elect to continue municipal water flouridation (4/6/05)
Recreational water rights bill may return this legislative session (4/5/05)
Colorado River states report little progress on drought management plan (4/5/05)
Wildfire officials optimistic for 2005 fire season due to improved snowpack (4/3/05)
UN's Millenium Ecosystem Assessment finds future development threatened by unsustainable use of critical ecosystems (3/31/05)
Northern Colorado Snowpack continues to lag long term average. (3/31/05)
Health officials optimistic regarding 2005 West Nile impacts (3/31/05)
CO House kills bill to limit recreational water rights (3/30/05)
Accidental release of chorlinated water continues Longmont's stuggle with waste water effluent disinfection (3/26/05)
United Nations Water Day 2005 to initiate decade of "Water For Life" focusing on international water issues. (3/22/05)
BASIN has prepared a summary of endocrine disruption issues in Boulder Creek (3/18/05)
Aurora eyes watering water restrictions as South Platte snowpack remains below average (3/18/05)
Invasive weed Eurasion watermilfoil discovered in several Boulder area ponds and streams (3/15/05)
CO Supreme Court rejects limits imposed on recreational water rights (3/15/05)
South Metro Water District Bill 1298 dies over basin of origin mitigation amendment (3/15/05)
Dry February raising concern over Front Range water supply (3/11/05)
Terminated CU instructor files for federal whistle blower status (3/11/05)
ASCE report gives falling grades to US public water infrastucture finding Colorado needs almost $4 billion in investment over next 20 years (3/10/05)
Ryan's Gulch Reservoir repair kills hundreds of fish in Big Thomson River (3/10/05)
Rural water districts withdrawal support for a new South Metro Water District as it would be authorized under House Bill 1298 (3/08/05)
INSTARR Snowpack report from Niwot Ridge for February is now available (3/01/05)
House Bill 1177 , to establish a state-wide process for addressing water disputes, advances (3/01/05)
Colorado Wildlife Commission to consider a permanent fishing ban on three miles of Boulder Creek (3/01/05)
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