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Current Theme: BASIN News Reports

News about Boulder Creek Watershed Issues

USGS study warns Grand Canyon restoration efforts failing to halt ecosystem degradation (10/27/05)
Complex aquifer recharge scheme seeks to deliver irrigation return flows to municipal growth (10/29/05)
Legislative Committee seeks to limit recreational water rights claims (10/29/05)
Erie unveils new drinking water treatment facility to accomodate anticipated growth (10/27/05)
Senate to probe Interior Secretary Norton's connection to indicted lobbyist (10/27/05)
Denver Water unveils long term conservation plan (10/27/05)
Record oil and gas drilling activity yeilds record energy industry profits; GOP blames environmental rules (10/26/05)
Court rules Forest Service failed to study dangers of the aerial use of toxic fire retardant chemicals on wildfires (10/26/05)
400 Boulder County residents protest RTD proposal for rail maintenance facitilies (10/26/05)
USGS, EPA and BCWI holding an invasive species open house at the Boulder Public Library this afternoon (10/25/05)
Court rules Cemex tire burning permit remains valid (10/25/05)
New report quantifies value of Boulder's Urban Forest (10/25/05)
Garfield county to study oil and gas drilling impacts on property values (10/24/05)
Pagosa Springs ordered to repair San Juan River damage from unpermitted kayak park development (10/24/05)
Judge clarifies Forest Service environmental review ruling as applying only to logging projects (10/21/05)
Weld County approves 300 acre development east of Longmont projected to include 833 new homes (10/21/05)
Colorado Water Congress rejects Gunnison River Union Park reservoir proposal (10/20/05)
Energy bill eliminates public commment and environmental review from most new BLM oil and gas drilling applications (10/19/05)
Erie approves expansion of regional landfill (10/19/05)
New USGS cost recover requirements at Fort Collins lab may impact colloborative research (10/19/05)
New federal law undercuts state efforts to control stormwater runoff from oil development (10/15/05)
Widely observed accelerated snowpack melting could impact Colorado ski industry (10/15/05)
NCAR study projects increased storm intensity and drier summers for Colorado (10/14/05)
Forest Service interprets court ruling to maximize impacts on small non-logging operations (10/14/05)
Pueblo files lawsuit against Colorado Springs over repeated raw sewage discharges (10/14/05)
South Platte Forum to hold Emerging Contaminants Forum in Longmont October 26 & 27, 2005 (10/13/05)
13 hour power outage hits CSU's CDC infectious disease laboratory (10/13/05)
Boulder County Health asks the State to thoroughly investigate Cemex operating violations (10/13/05)
Recreational water right claims becoming increasingly confrontational (10/11/05)
South Denver suburbs look to eastern plains agriculture for new water supplies (10/08/05)
Colorado River Compact States close to agreement on a new drought managment plan (10/07/05)
State Engineer warns agriculture still recovering from drought impacts (10/07/05)
CU and USGS scientists will host a Boulder Creek Bike Tour on Monday, Oct 10 at 9:00 (10/06/05)
Coalition of environmental groups receive $1 million grant to preserve 6000 acres of South Platte wildlife habitat (10/06/05)
Researchers find indications artificial snow making additive may impair essential forest root fungus (10/03/05)
Hot dry summer leads to increased water use throughout Boulder County (9/30/05)
DOW releases draft New Zealand mud snail management plan (9/30/05)
Researchers dispute effects of climate change on frequency and intensity of hurricanes (9/16/05)
Army Corp of Engineers exempting numerous isolated Colorado wetlands from protection (9/16/05)
State water supply experts warn drought recovery still dependent on winter snowpack (9/15/05)
Denver Water confirms water rate hikes including a 8% average residential increase (9/15/05)
Erie landfill expansion back on Town Board agenda (9/13/05)
Weld County's largest landowner receives light sentence in injection well fraud and contamination case. (9/13/05)
CSU entomologist to coordinate control of mosquito surge from Gulf Coast flood waters (9/12/05)
DOE agrees to clean up recently discovered Rocky Flats hot spots (9/12/05)
Colorado Supreme Court voids Arkansas River water sale as speculative (9/12/05)
Genesee dam plans draw opposition from neighbors. (9/12/05)
Katrina reminds Boulder of its own significant flooding risk (9/11/05)
Municipal water demand may dry up South Platte agricultual economy (9/11/05)
Numerous Front Range dams pose potential flooding risks (9/10/05)
Aurora to vote on 500 million dollar water reuse and recharge development plan (9/09/05)
Former Metro Wastewater Reclamation District board member and CU instructor loses bid for whistle blower status (9/08/05)
Boulder District Court to rule on tire burning permit for Lyons Cemex Concrete plant (9/08/05)
Boulder County open space may be next target of oil and gas drilling activity (9/08/05)
Local water bottlers direct output to Gulf Coast victims (9/07/05)
Toxicity of floodwaters a concern as New Orleans begins to drain (9/06/05)
CSU hurricane forecaster Grey warns more tropical storms anticipated this season (9/02/05)
New problems surface for Boulder's Lakewood Pipeline replacement (9/02/05)
Chemical explosions rock New Orleans, still waiting for significant aid (9/02/05)
55 acre wildfire north of Boulder prompts evacuations (9/02/05)
Boulder County approves funding for mechanical aeration of anaerobic lake (9/02/05)
Final check of Rocky Flats cleanup finds new radioactive hot spots (9/02/05)
Plans for regional trail adjacent to Boulder Feeder Canal advancing (9/01/05)
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