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BATCO Newsletter, Summer 1997
"Trails for Today and Tomorrow"
BATCO's mission is to promote non-motorized, multi-use,
environmentally responsible trail systems.
BATCO is one year old. This is our first Newsletter to keep our membership and friends informed of our activities and progress, and of course to let you know how you can be involved and contribute to the cause.
To promote non-motorized, multi-use, environmentally responsible trail systems.
We believe that multi-purpose trails are valuable community resources which provide recreational benefits that enhance the quality of life for area residents and visitors. In addition to their recreational benefits, trail systems enhance environmental quality by:
To implement the mission, the Board has established the following goals and services.
The Board extends a special thank you to those members who stepped forward with a financial contribution early in our history to help launch this organization. If you have ever been part of creating a new organization you know what a thrill it is when you first begin receiving memberships.
Phase One of building the organization is now completed: we have a working infrastructure. We are registered with the Secretary of State and have an affiliation with an organization which is registered with the Internal Revenue Service as a 501 C (3) organization (non-profit status) which means that all contributions to BATCO are tax deductible. We also have Bylaws, a Board, and monthly Board meetings (see below).
As we begin our second year, a major focus is upon expanding our membership. We would like to add 500 new members. Would you be willing to recruit 5 to 10 new members? If you recruit 10 members by the end of September we will say thank you with a BATCO T-shirt.
In addition to helping expand our membership, there are other ways you can help. As you look over the goals and services, which of these areas is your main area of interest?
Would you consider becoming a Trail Champion -- There are several types of trail champions needed. One is a Trail Maintenance Champion. Is there a particular trail which you use a lot and would be willing to be leader of a team who works with the city or county of jurisdiction to keep the trail well maintained? For example, the Boulder County Horsemen's Association (BCHA) years ago adopted Doudy Drawl as it's particular project. BCHA was involved in building the trail in the mid 1980's and has helped maintain it ever since. At the upper trail head you will see the dedication plaque. Second is a Trail Development Champion. Have you noticed a trail gap? Would you like to work on making a connection between two sections of trail? (It is not necessary that you know how to do this, only that you would like to see two pieces of trail connected. As an organization we will work out a strategy.) For example there is a trail gap from Boulder Reservoir to Gunbarrel which needs a champion. Perhaps you are interested in Rails to Trails (trails along abandoned or unused railroad tracks).
Maybe you are interested in working on a Foothills Trail from White Ranch in Jefferson County to Lyons? If any of these seem interesting to you, give a call to Eric Vogelsberg, Vice President of Trail Projects (494-8586).
Public Education and Environmental Issues
Perhaps you would like to work with Jim Knopf, Vice President of Environmental Issues (494-8766) on the subject of creating a community of responsible trail users.
Map Project and Public Information Liaison
Maybe your interest is in a creating and publishing the first-ever user-friendly comprehensive trail map of all Boulder County. If so, then you will want to get in touch with Suzanne Webel, VP External Relations (499-0786).
Are you a member of another organization which would like to establish a close working relationship with BATCO? Do you now, or would you be willing to attend meetings of governmental agencies such as City of Boulder Open Space to be an information conduit: to represent BATCO's interests before the organization and to convey to the BATCO Board issues being addressed by the organization. Do you enjoy speaking before groups, and would you be interested in taking the BATCO message to other interested groups? Contact Suzanne if your would be willing to do any of the above.
Fund Raising, Corporate Sponsorships
Not many of us are good at this, but maybe you are, and would be willing to help us build our financial base. If this is you, contact Mike Barrow, Treasurer (772-3079).
For the summer schedule we are using one "Board" meeting a month to visit various trails and trail compatriots, as follows:
For more information, or to car pool with someone, contact Suzanne at 499-0786.
In addition to becoming a legal organization (which took lots of effort over a six month period), establishing our mission, goals, and services, we have been engaged in the following.
Presentations at Public Meetings
One or more BATCO members has been present to promote multi-purpose trail use at the following public meetings:
Outreach to Other Organizations
We have had meetings to establish relations with the following organizations:
We have a representative on the following organizations:
Comprehensive Trail Map
A major effort has been the development of a comprehensive map of trails in Boulder County, under the direction of Suzanne. Basic information has been compiled onto a map. We are now seeking funding to get the information computerized and then printed.
We prepared an application for funding from Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) from the State Trails Committee. However, we were not accepted since they have no category for funding maps. We have also applied for funding from McStain Enterprises under the Corporate Grant Program.
If you know of any corporation (or individual) who would be interested in sponsoring this project, please contact Suzanne.
We see the map as valuable in two ways. For the recreational public on one map you will have information about all trails, independent of agency which manages the land, and type of user permitted. One map will replace more than a dozen! Secondly, the map can be used with the planning agencies towards our goal of a creating a trail system. For example, the map readily shows trail gaps.
Co-sponsor of National Trails Day
BATCO, co-sponsored with Boulder Off-road Alliance (BOA), the Boulder County Horsemens Association (BCHA) and the County Open Space Program a trail building project at Rabbit Mountain on National Trails Day, June 7.
Boulder County trail use has increased exponentially in recent years. Today user conflicts and damage to the trails or the environment can be major problems. As a responsible trail user you can help by knowing and following these trail etiquette guidelines.
Respect Our Open Space
Respect the Rights of Others
Dog Owners
Members of the Board, their positions and home phone numbers:
Our mailing address is 1705 14th Street, Suite 201, Boulder 80302.
In June of 1996, a group of environmentalists, hikers, equestrians, and bicyclists got together to discuss trails in Boulder County. We concluded it is in everyone's best interest to work together on trail issues. A Steering Committee (around 20) was formed with membership in a wide variety of organizations, including the following:
Skye Ridley, Executive Director of the American Trails Association served as facilitator for five meetings providing valuable insight from the formation of the Pikes Peak (Colorado Springs) Area Trail Coalition which she had helped organize.
BATCO Articles of Incorporation are dated November 22, 1996 and the Board adopted Bylaws on December 10.