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YES! I want to explore Boulder County’s trails and to support new trail construction and maintenance.
Please send me the following:
BATCO Comprehensive Trail Map of Boulder County
__________ copies @ $9.95 each.
$ __________ Map Total.
$ __________ Plus $2.00 S&H per folded map.
$ __________ OR Plus $4.50 S&H per rolled map.
Please send map(s) to:
Name: ___________________________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________
City: _________________ State: ______ Zip: __________
E-mail: _____________________________________________
Telephone: ____________________
Please make checks payable to BATCO and mail to
c/o Suzanne Webel
5735 Prospect Rd.
Longmont, CO 80503
You may also use this form to join BATCO and help to preserve, protect, and enhance environmentally responsible trails in Boulder County.
YES! I want to join BATCO.
Enclosed please find my donation of: [ ] $100 Sustaining Donor; [ ] $50 Supporting/Organization Member $35 [ ]Family Member; [ ] $20 Individual; [ ] $____ Other
[ ] I want to be personally involved please contact me.
Total Enclosed $ ___________
Questions or feedback? Call 303-485-2162