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Open Space and Mountain Parks
Marshall Mesa / Southern Grasslands Trail Study Area

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The Marshall Mesa / Southern Grasslands Trail Study Area is the first of eleven trail study projects planned by the OSMP staff between 2005 to 2008. Extensive details about the project are available on the OSMP website at OSMP Marshall Mesa / Southern Grasslands TSA. A map of the project area is available at Trail Study Areas Map.

BATCO has been extensively involved in the study project. We've attended all the public meetings hosted by OSMP and we played a continuing role in the associated task group sessions. In response to the initial OSMP questionaire we provided a description of our vision for the area (see BATCO Marshall Mesa / Southern Grasslands questionaire).

In late August, the OSMP staff released a Draft Trail Alternatives Report for the TSA. The report listed many of the public recommendations for trail access and included the staff's evaluation of the pros and cons of the public suggestions. We were impressed with the completeness of the list of alternatives, but disappointed with some of the analyses. The evaluation of some trail alternatives showed a clear staff bias against the alternatives. BATCO's recommendations for the trail alternatives are available at BATCO Marshall Mesa / Southern Grasslands Trail Alternatives Recommendations (a map of the alternatives is at Marshall Mesa / Southern Grasslands Trail Alternatives Map).

On November 4, 2005, the Open Space and Mountain Parks staff released their Draft Trail Study Area Plan for the Marshall Mesa / Southern Grasslands TSA. The draft plan and associated map are available at Marshall Mesa / Southern Grasslands Draft TSA Plan and Marshall Mesa / Southern Grasslands Draft TSA Plan Map. The staff's recommendations are responsive to input from the public interests that have been represented in the TSA process. The draft plan strives to find a balance between preserving sensitive resources and providing reasonable public access. The plan protects the core of the Southern Grasslands HCA and the Coal Creek riparian area while proposing significant new recreational access via several new peripheral trails. The plan also addresses the existing safety issues associated with crossing of Highway 93 and at the Marshall Mesa Trailhead. We are pleased that many of the items BATCO recommended are included in the draft plan. The draft survived the remaining stages of the TSA process and was accepted by the Open Space Board of Trustees. We commend the staff on a job well done.