



Robyn Knoll

Position: Co-President

From: Glendale, Arizona

Age: 15



Alexander Chamas

Position: Co-President

From: Greenwich, Connecticut

Age: 17



Byron White

Position: Co-Vice President (Admistration)

From: Clayton, Delware

Age: 19

I am an Eagle Scout and have been in Boy Scouts since Tiger Cubs. I worked at Henson Scout Reservation Camp Nanticoke for two years, first as a CIT and the second year as aquatic staff. I have been to Florida Sea Base. We did the out island adventure. I've also been to two National Jamborees as a participant, the first in 1997 and the second in 2001. I was the Senior Patrol Leader of my troop for the 2001 Jamboree. I have been a lifeguard for a little over three years and am currently working at the YMCA in Dover, Delaware. I worked at the YMCA's camp this past summer as a lifeguard, but primarily as a water-ski instructor. Just drove boats and skied all day and got paid for it, YEAH BABY!!! My hobbies are swimming, talking to strange (that is in a good sense) people across the country that I just meant, playing paintball, playing video games, sleeping, surfing the web, water skiing, reading books, Star Wars, and pretty much anything else that has anything to do with gaming, computers, and having good clean fun in life. 


Every day a Holiday

Every paycheck a Fortune

Every meal a Banquet

Every formation a Parade



Jaclyn Kimbrough

Position: Co-Vice President (Administration)

From: Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Age: 16



Mary Phillips

Position: Co-Vice President (Program)

From: Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Age: 16



Thomas Southard

Position: Co-Vice President (Quartermaster)

From: Baltimore, Maryland

Age: 20

My name is Tom Southard.  I am an Eagle Scout from the Baltimore Area Council.  I also have the Council Venturing Leadership Award and Silver Award, and have just recently completed the Ranger Award.  Hopefully, I’ll have completed Quartermaster by the time we leave for Thailand. I work for the Baltimore Area Council, as an intern while I attend the University of Baltimore.  I am also the Northeast Region Venturing President.  I represent the youth of the region to the National Venturing Cabinet, and the National Venturing Program to the youth of the region.  I'm very excited about seeing Thomas Franklin (Southern Region Venturing President) and Melisa Bures (Western Region Venturing President) on this trip. I love high adventure. Philmont, Sea Base, and working at Kandersteg International Scout Centre in Switzerland have been highlights of my Scouting career.



Kat Kim

Position: Webmistress

From: Union City, California

Age: 17

            Hi, I’m Kat a senior in High School that can’t wait for college. I do Gymnastics. (Yes I can do those flippy things.) I also play the viola (like a violin, only a little bigger and lower) in the Oakland Youth Orchestra.  I listen to all types of music from Classical to Korean Pop to Political Punk. Currently I’m working on the Gold and Silver Award, and hope to have them by the end of the school year. I’m a computer geek, I guess if fits since I plan to major in computer engineering or computer science. I can’t wait for Jamboree. Wohoo!



