Meet the Crew


            Crew 15/45 is a combination of both the Northeastern Region crew and the Western Region crew, but realistically people are from all over the United States and some from other countries.



Members A-M

Members N-Z




The main crew is broken up into 4 separate Sub-Crews for the Jamboree. Each sub-crew will operate on it's own when it comes to jamboree activities. 


Sub-Crew 1

Melisa Bures

Jordan Cummings

Alden Dale

Renee DeVoursney

Jarrett Gentile

Matt Haight

Robyn Knoll

Cameron McDonald

Thomas Southard


Sub-Crew 2

Ben Archer

Alexander Chamas

Craylin Gentile

Bailey Golden

Virginia Mapes

Mary Philips

Philip Schuchardt

Stephen (Jack) Stahen

Byron White


Sub-Crew 3

Alison Butler

Michael Denise

Kat Kim

Jaclyn Kimbrough

Whitney Sher

William Stallsmith

Nick Stambuli

Joseph Williamson


Sub-Crew 4

Ventura Deleon

Peter Giovanotto

Morgan Golden

Charles Parsons

Ranee Patel

Spencer Roos

Michael Stallsmith

Maureen Underhill


