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Rocky Mountain Environmental Health Association

Members' Notes

Advanced Medical Directives

A capability is available for you to plan ahead and ask to informed of all available end of life options. This includes letting your medical providers know about your priorities and values. It includes ensuring that they are willing to provide you with the care you want.

At your next medical appointment, discuss end of life options. Ask about options, benefits and costs of each so you can make an informed decisions. If you are a Medicare beneficiary, you can ask about this area at the next annual wellness visit or routine office visit and Medicare will reimburse the doctor for 30 minutes of advance care planning with patients.

More information and forms for printing are available at -

A RMEHA member, Cara M., offers presentations in the Denver and Boulder areas on advanced medical directives to individuals, clubs, and gatherings. Her telephone number is - 303/579-7924. Her email address is -

The advanced directive allows you to add attachments that may facilitate accomodating your needs and wishes, such as personal contacts of who is allowed to visit you or have access to your medical records.

Also, an attachment allows you to specify that you have an Environmental Illness and request that it be respected and accommodated. Ideally, this statement should include the written doctor's statement that you have been through laboratory testing that verified the sensitivity. And ideally, the doctor's statement should include the ICD (International Classification of Diseases) number, 989.9, "intolerance to other substances, non-specified" that identifies sensitivities to insurance companies.

A big part of accommodation is having a medical facility that fully supports the needs of people with environmental sensitivities.

An excellent summary of guidelines for MCS-Safe medical facilities is Dr. Ann McCampell's page at -

Other web sites that have addressed this problem -

MCS Hospital Access -

Tips for Anesthetics and Hospitalization for People with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities -

Amazon and Honeybees -

The neonic pesticides are recognized as killing honeybees. Neonics can kill bees outright. Even small exposures interfere with a bee's ability to navigate, reproduce, ward off viruses, and find food. But with seventy percent of our major crops depending on bees, it is essential that the bees be protected. The National Resource Defense Council has filed a lawsuit against the EPA to have the use neonics severely curtailed. Major retailers, such as Home Depot, Lowe's, True Value, Walmart, have announced plans to phase out products that contain neonics. But Amazon stll sells home and garden products that contain neonics. More information is at -

The printed Canary Times newsletter from the Chicago-based Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, and Chemical Sensitivity Foundation has many useful and significant articles for people with sensitivities. Their newsletter is published four times a year and their membership is available for $25.00. Their website is -

Some articles of interest -

Fragrance-free video.

The Chemical Sensitivity Foundation has released a video by Allison Johnson titled "Fragrance-free Workplaces, Wave of the Future?" It includes interviews with physicians, researchers, and patients suffering from MCS. The video includes statements from Anne Steinmann, Dr. L Christine Oliver, and Dr. Ronald Black. The video is at -

EWG Verified Web Site.

The Environmental Working Group has implemented a web site that lists some 1,200 personal care products that meet the EWG standards. Recommended products are free of toxic chemicals and provide full transparency of ingredients with good manufacturing practices. Access is at -

Retail Report Cards.

A safety evaluation on safer chemicals in consumer products is available from the Retailer Report Card group. This safety evaluation shows that "one third of 30 major retailers are leaders, but some two-thirds remain serious laggards." Available from -

Utility "Smart Meter" Risks

Smart meters use wireless technology instead of the old technology of an analog meter to measure utility usage, such as power and gas. There continue to be many reports of problems from this technology because it exposes us to non-ionizing radiation, aggravates electrosensitivity and interferes with pacemakers. The group claims that smart meters have caused hundreds of electrical fires and explosions. Reuters claims smart meters do not result in energy savings, so we should not have to deal with this problem without an ability to opt out. Much more information is available at -

Monsanto/glyphosate Power

The Environmental Working Group reports that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has not only ruled in favor of Monsanto on glyphosate (widely recognized as a probable carcinogen), but now the chairman of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology is helping Monsanto legally classify glyphosate as a chemical that "poses no risk to humans, including infants and children." EWG also reports that "the president of a Monsanto backed think tank called for totally abolishing the World Health Organization's (WHO) program to identify carcinogens, such as glyphosate." More information is available at -

Beauty Product Quality

A company called Beauty Counter has a line of beauty products that are unique because they are formulated without toxic chemicals, such as mercury in eyeshadow, parabens in cleansers. They have a "Never List" which lists the some 1,500 ingredients that are known to be toxic or questionable. They have a wide line of women's products, and also products for children and babies. A product line for men is under development. More information is available at -

Possible Cosmetics Products Reform

EWG reports that a bipartisan plan to consider cosmetics reform is underway. This effort is sponsored by Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Susan Collins (R-MA). The bill would give the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) power to review dangerous chemicals in cosmetics. More information is available at -

Lead in Public Drinking Water

EWG reports that "tests by drinking water utilities detected lead above the EPA's action level." And yet the president's administration calls for serious budget cuts in the EPA's lead abatement programs. More information is available at -

Coffee and the California Cancer Warning

There are reports in the media that when coffee is brewed, it forms acrylamide, a chemical that is also created in high temperature cooking. The coffee industry has claimed that this material is harmless, but a California judge has ruled that "the companies have failed to show that the threat was insignificant." There are ongoing scientific discussions about this issue. Thus cancer warning labels will soon appear on coffee bean packaging in California. More information is available at -

MCS on the Rise

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) is increasingly getting exposure in the media in Australia. A writer for ABC News Australia has written an article that describes the illness in detail. Research is showing that cases have risen some 300 percent in the last ten years, in both Australia and in the U.S. Dr. Anne Steinmann estimates some 55 million Americans have MCS, and that some 76 percent suffer with severe effects that are disabling. This article makes the point that it is time the pesticide and chemical companies take responsibility and begin changing their formulas despite the inconvenience or cost. More information is available at -

Cell Phone Radiation Update

The EWG reports updated information about cell phone radiation exposure. This includes -

California has officially issued groundbreaking guidelines advising cell phone users to keep phones away from their bodies, especially away from pockets or bras, because radiation that close may exceed safe levels.

These guidelines also recommend that cell phone use should be limited when reception is weak because the phone is working harder - emitting more radiation - to get a useable signal.

Unsafe radiation levels from cell phones have definitely been linked to brain cancer and other health problems.

Cell phone cases that are not made by the manufacturer can partially block the antenna, making the phone work harder and emit more radiation.

Wi-Fi routers emit radiation, but at a different frequency range than cell phones. Research is lacking on the specifics, but experts recommend keeping the routers as far from your body as possible.

Laptops are safest when used on a table instead of on your lap.

Children are most vulnerable to radiation exposure because their brains are growing and they absorb more radiation than adults.

Headsets or speaker phones are recommended for everyone using cell phones to minimize the radiation exposure.

More information is available at -

Possible Impacts of Cellular 5G

The wireless industry is trying to transition into a fifth generation (5G) "small cell" structure. But not many people realize the impacts such a technology would cause. First, the entire wireless infrastructure would completely change. The 5G radiation only travels short distances, so antenna towers must be installed every 250 feet. This means that every 2 - 10 homes would have a small cell tower next to their property.

Concerns are building up from knowledgeable people. There is concern that the millimeter waves, which could affect the skin and eyes, and the consequences of the phased array antennas which can focus concentrated radiation to everyone can cause serious health problems. There are extensive scientific concerns about oxidative damage, cell membrane changes, sperm abnormalities, DNA damage, melatonin reduction, nerve cell damage, mitochondrial disruption, memory disturbances, for beginners.

More information is available at -

Quarterly MCS Housing Teleconference

The MCSFriends group sponsors a teleconference call every three months that is open to the public. Each call offers presentations from the USA or Canada that discusses housing projects designed to support people with MCS. To hear prior recordings, dial 712/770-4019, and enter access code 735129#. To access the most recent recording, enter #, the pound symbol only. To access various prior recordings, enter #1, #2, etc, up to the current #7 which was recorded on April 18, 2018. This most recent recording discusses building an affordable "tiny house" community in Silver City, New Mexico. To enquire about the email announcements dial 248/301-2283 and leave a message. Or email More information is available at -

The current AARP bulletin reports that Medicare is issuing new cards to everyone. These cards will not have your social security number, but a newly assigned number that consists of 11 digits of upper or lower case characters in the format of -


These cards will arrive in the mail automatically. There is no charge for these new cards. There are no processing fees for these new cards. Medicare will never ask an enrollee for a bank account number, and no refunds will be owed.

AARP has a Fraud Watch Network that has tips and advice on many scams. Consumers can sign up for "Watchdog Alert" emails to get regular updates on new scams. More information is available at -


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Revised '30-Jun-2018,10:19:38'