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Rocky Mountain Environmental Health Association

Members' Notes, October 2018

In Memorium - Dot Kevett

In Memorium: On Saturday, October 27th, the MCS & Non-toxic Pesticide communities in Colorado lost a true friend and champion.

Dorothy 'Dot' Kivett passed away peacefully in her home at the age of 88.

In August of 2017 Dot suffered a stroke and was housebound after a stay in rehab. S. G., a good friend of more then 25 years, assisted in securing care for her in the past year.

Dot received a degree from Duke University and spent years in the Medical Tech field, until she had to retire because of the advancement of her chemical sensitivities.

Dot established a friendship with A. M. more then 30 years ago through the Colorado Pesticide Network. The two of them worked together for years to educate the legislature and the state Agriculture Department about the dangers of chemical pesticides to human health and the environment.

Dot also reached out to a number of pesticide applicators over the years to educate them on these issues.

In 1994, Dot and I worked with facilities management at CU - Boulder, to set up a one day workshop at the university aimed at educating facility managers from school districts throughout Colorado about the dangers of pesticides and the non-toxic alternative methods that could be adopted to address their needs.

In 1997, we again worked together to set up an all day set of workshops on non-toxic indoor and outdoor pest management that was geared towards the public. It was well attended and very successful.

Somehow, numerous chemical sensitive individuals and those seeking information on pesticide issues, found their way to Dot. I can only imagine the number of people she helped out over the years.

Dot was a very strong and independent woman who came out west from North Carolina.

There's one health episode that she went through that has left an indelible mark in my mind.

Several years ago she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Rather then go through chemotherapy or radiation, she decided to have a mastectomy. After she came out of recovery, later that day, she signed herself out of the hospital and went home to tend to her vegetable garden. AMAZING!

Dot was also an animal lover and animal rights activist. She had as many as 9 cats (her children) living with her at any one time. She would also leave food on her back porch for other cats in the neighborhood.

I am thankful that she was a part of my life, and the life of so many throughout Colorado.

Dot had two brothers, Melvin & Wesley, who preceded her in death.

S. S.


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Revised '16-Feb-2019,10:33:18'