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Rocky Mountain Environmental Health Association

Membership Application

Rocky Mountain Environmental Health Association (RMEHA) was established in 1982, and is a 501(c)(3) Non Profit Health Support Group. Membership with RMEHA includes the following -

Sharing resources with other members who are dealing with chemical and electromagnetic injuries related to our 20th and 21st Century Environment is our goal. We can supply a contact list of current members in your geographic area who have agreed to networking with other RMEHA members.
Email Distribution of Announcements about Current Topics of Interest.
Emails that announce current developments or areas of concern are sent to members with email addresses. These emails, perhaps several a month, are sent in background mode - i.e., email addresses are not disclosed, and are limited to about 100 words in text only mode. Absolutely no attachments are sent to this email list.
Copies of announcements can be mailed to members who do not use email.

Please fill in the spaces below and use your browser's PRINT function to print this page.
Mail the completed form, along with your check or money order made out to RMEHA, to:

3045 6th Street
Boulder, CO

Zip Code:

Fill in the following if you wish -

Cell telephone:
Fax telephone:
Office telephone:

May your name, along with telephone and email, be released to other RMEHA members for personal contact?

Yes No

If you live outside the USA, please fill out the Reader Response Form and request information on foreign membership.

Dues: $10.00 annually. A lower rate based on need is available.

Contributions: You can also contribute to RMEHA Educational Programs:

(Please check one) $100 $50 $25 $10

Membership dues and all contributions are tax deductible.

Payment Enclosed: (Please fill in boxes below)

Membership Dues:
Total Enclosed:

In addition to timely announcements of Environmental Illness developments, the RMEHA email list is occasionally used for brief members-only personal or business advertisements, such as free clothing, safe household goods, or an MCS-safe house. Business advertisements are charged $0.10 per word, maximum of 400 words, and are run only once unless reviewed by the Board.

After filling in all boxes, please use your browser's PRINT function and mail this form along with your payment to the address above. (And make a copy for your files.) Please make your check or money order payable to: RMEHA.

Thank You!

Follow the links below to learn more about RMEHA and Environmental Illness.

Revised '14-Jan-2021,11:36:20'