City of Boulder/USGS Water Quality Monitoring
Boulder Reservior Watershed
Boulder Reservoir and its Tributaries
for August, 1999

Preliminary Data - subject to revision

Marker Indicates no data available
Marker Indicates data exceeds plot scale.

Information on Fecal Coliform:

Fecal Coliform Bacteria is found in the intestinal tracts of mammals. High concentrations of the bacteria in water or sludge suggest the presence of disease-causing organisms, and may be caused by septic tank failure, poor pasture and animal keeping practices, pet waste, and urban runoff.

To measure fecal coliform bacteria, water samples are collected in sterilized containers, filtered, and incubated at a certain temperature. The resulting bacterial colonies that form are counted and recorded as the number of colony producing units per 100 ml of water (CPU/100 ml). Safe drinking water should have fecal coliform counts of 0 CPU/100 ml. For safe swimming, concentrations less than 200 CPU/100 ml is desirable, and for boating, less than 1000 CPU/100 ml is desirable. However, these standards may vary at the local, state, and federal level.

More general information about Fecal Coliform
Measurement of Fecal Coliform
Factors affecting Fecal Coliform
Standards regarding Fecal Coliform
Interpretation of Boulder Reservior Fecal Coliform data
Data Source:
Point of Contact:
Collection and Analysis notes
Analysis method: SM 9222D

Indicated monitoring site:

The above map indicates water quality monitoring sites. To view data at a specific site select it from the map with the mouse.

Plot Label SiteName FColi
#/100 mL
DC Dry Creek 110
BFCaBR Boulder Feeder Canal at Boulder Reservoir 10
BR_SDB Boulder Reservoir South Dam - Bottom 31
BR_SDT Boulder Reservoir South Dam - Top 34
BCSC Boulder Creek Supply Canal 70
LDC Little Dry Creek 280
UNK Unknown Ditch 50
*value below detection limit:
Detection Limit (if available) 1.0

Preliminary Data - subject to revision

Select on the parameter name to view more detailed information for that parameter in this month. Select on the site name to view data time series observed at that station. For monitoring site locations see site location map.

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