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Current Theme: History
Storms in Marshall & Coal Creek

"Afoot inspecting Marshall Lake...
People approach Colorado and Southern Railway passenger railroad cars....
houses dot the coal mining town of Marshall; shows a canal or ditch...and the Flatirons."
May 20, 1909. Photo by
McClure, Louis Charles

1896, June 1

One of the severest storms that has ever occurred in this vicinity came with the big rain of Saturday afternoon. While we had little hail here, the first indications were noticed at Marshall where the hail stones fell as large as hen's eggs. Mayor Clark and Clerk Gradel of Louisville were riding from Marshall toward home when the storm overtook them, and in the words of the mayor 'were nearly foundered,' and as soon as they could reach home were so week as to necessitate going to bed, so badly were they pelted by the hail.

"At Louisville, scarcely a house in the city escaped with a whole pane of glass on the north side. During the heaviest part of the rain at least 6 inches of water flowed through the streets. In the rear of Dr. Wolfer's residence the crust of the earth became soaked and the ground sunk some 15 feet in depth for a space of about 20 feet in diameter, this being in the workings of the Acme mine. This is the worst sink in the city and is an indication of what will likely occur throughout the business portion of town. The residents are much concerned.

"At Lafayette, windows were broken everywhere, Cannon's greenhouse destroyed and a large lake west of town broke loose and flooded the mines of the United coal company, making the loss considerable.

"The storm passes south of Erie in a northeasterly direction. The crops of grain, still short, were but little damaged but the alfalfa fields were injured to an extent that the first cutting will be far less than usual. At Longmont, there was the usual heavy rain and considerable hail with but little loss." Daily Camera, June 1, 1896

Information compiled by Elizabeth Black.

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