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Educational Seminar Series
BCHA presents several educational seminars a year. We partner with other organizations to present the most professional information available. Seminars are free to BCHA members and $10 for non-members, which may be applied to the cost of membership on that day. The link below will give you a sampling of recent seminars.
Future seminars will include: "Reining" with Steve Schwartzenberger, and "Colic" presented by Nancy Loving.

View some of our Previous Seminars

Public Lands Appreciation Day
The public lands events have been positive and successful in building bridges of communication between horse people and land use officials in Boulder County. We want to continue to make this an event you look forward to each year. Saturday, Aug. 27, is the date to save for this year's PLAD event. Details below!

2005 Annual Membership meeting
Julie Goodnight, featured clinician and speaker at many exciting horse events across North America, spoke on "Building Your Confidence and Other Life Lessons that Horses Teach Us".

2006 Temple Grandin, well-known author on Animal Behavior. will be our featured speaker. Date and location to be announced.

Horse Lovers’ Fling
Boulder County Horse Association's (BCHA) Annual Horse Lovers' Fling is the major fund raising project for BCHA. The event brings hundreds of horse people together to meet, greet and celebrate Boulder County's horse industry.

Special Events
BCHA sponsors and co-sponsors special events throughout the year. Coming events and those in the recent past are listed below.

Fun Show
At this event you may show off with your horse by participating in games, contests, and other fun activities for the whole family.

Educational Seminar Series

October 16, Sunday, 1:00 - 4:00 pm, "Reining"

Presented by Steve Schwartzenberger
Boulder County Fairgrounds, Indoor Arena

Free to BCHA Members; $10 fee for non-members. Fee may be applied towards membership in BCHA!

Steve will present an overview and demonstration of basic training principles and processes of reining from start to finish. See how he starts a young horse and progresses to advanced levels with older horses up to freestyle level. He will give exhibition tips and answer questions.

This seminar will appeal to all horse enthusiasts whether you enjoy new information or want specific reining training tips.

Steve has established himself as one of the country's top trainers, wining prestigious events such as the NRHA Limited Open Futurity, the Farnam AQHA Congress Open Reining Futurity, the Rocky Mountain Summer Slide Open Futurity, and the Reno Spectacular Open Futurity.

This summer Steve won 4 class championships at the
2005 Denver Summer Slide!

For further information on Steve Swartzenberger's experiences see his website www.ssequine.com

November 3, "Colic"

Presented by Dr. Nancy Loving, DVM
Altona Grange, Nelson Rd. & 39th, 7:00 PM

Colic is one of those medical emergencies every horseowner dreads. Dr. Nancy Loving will discuss numerous aspects of equine colic from identification of the problem and what to do about it, to strategies in prevention. Information will be practical and up-to-date with the latest scientific knowledge. You are welcome to bring questions for discussion following the presentation.





Free to BCHA Members; $10 fee for non-members. Fee may be applied towards membership in BCHA!

Previous Education Seminars sponsored by BCHA

July 2005: Team Penning and Ranch Sorting
May 2005: Grazing Management of Small Acreage Property
May 2005: Save the Wild Horses Slide Show
February 2005: Draft Horse
ctober 2004: Emergency Evacuation
June 2004: Beeding & Foaling Part Two
February 2004: Breeding & Foaling Part One
January 2004: Carcass Disposal - What can you do when a beloved horse passes on?
April 2003: Impact of Drought on Your Pastures and Horses
May 2003: Assessing a Crisis
Oct 2002: Trailer Evacuation
Oct 2002: West Nile Virus

July 25, 2005: Team Penning and Ranch Sorting

Presented by Mark and Megan Cardillo
This BCHA seminar was held at the North Fork Quarter Horse Ranch. Participants learned and practiced the fast growing sport of team penning and ranch sorting.

Team penning: The riders cross the line, the time starts and their number is called. The first-man-in locates a cow with the correct number on it and goes in the herd after it.
The turn-back goes with him and keeps the cows with
the wrong numbers (dirty cows) from coming out of
the herd. The second-man also locates a cow with the right number and as soon as the first-man has his cow
handled he goes in after his cow. The turn-back hustles over to help. Then the third cow is located and pulled from the herd. All three cows are herded down to the other end of the arena and into the pen. Time is called when a rider's horse is into the pen behind the cows and his hand is raised above his shoulder.

May 17, 19, & 24, 2005: Grazing Management of Small Acreage Property

BCHA co-sponsored this seminar with Colorado State University Cooperative Extension in Boulder County and the Boulder County Parks and Open Space Agricultural Resource Division.

Sessions one and two covered the fundamentals of grass growth, plant response to grazing, and appropriate grazing practices. The third session included a tour of local pastures. Rob Alexander, Agriculture Resource Specialist with Boulder County Parks and Open Space, led the workshop.

May 31, 2005: Save the Wild Horses Slide Show

Presented by Carol Walker
Boulder Public Library, Main Branch, Boulder Creek Meeting Room

An in depth look at wild horses in Wyoming and Montana, with images set to music, and information about what you can do to help protect the wild horses and get the new legislation passed to keep them from being sold for slaughter. There was a presentation, slide show, and plenty of time for questions.




February 5, 2005: Draft Horse Seminar

Training and Using Draft Horses on a Small Acreage
Presentation and demonstration by Dennis and Jean Kuehl,
Mountain View Belgians, northwest Longmont.

Fundamentals participants experienced: Training the draft horse in the round pen, appropriate harness fitting, training the horse to understand harness and the concept of draft, hitching and driving the horse/horses to a vehicle, and demonstrating the effective use of draft horses on a small acreage.

October 17, 2004: Emergency Evacuation Seminar
Members of the Jefferson Couonty Mounted Search and Rescue Team, Boulder County Sheriff's Large Animal Control Officer, and local barn managers presented information on how Boulder County is responding to emergencies, particularly wildfires which may lead to an evacuation. An emergency evaucation kit was displayed and the informative handouts distributed are available as pdf files by following the links below.

(To open our pdf files, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer--free download available) www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html

Horse and Barn Owners Need to be Prepared
Evacuation Tips for Emergency Personnel
H.O.O.F form
Horse owners are encouraged to complete the H.O.O.F. form (Horse Owner's Operation Find). This form will be added to a sheriff department's data base and help in finding owners of lost horses.

February 26 & June 17, 2004: Breeding and Foaling Seminars
All You Ever Wanted to Know About Equine Reproduction

Presented by Stacy Bluhm DVM and Marty Butley DVM of Boulder Valley Veterinary Clinic

The speakers presented a comprehensive introduction to breeding mares and collecting stallions. Hormonal control of the mare's reproductive cycle, how to tell when a mare is in heat, the uses of ultrasound, cooled verses frozen semen, semen evaluation, and much more were covered. Participants had the opportunity to handle equipment and tissue samples.

January 2004: Carcass Disposal
What are your options when your beloved horse passes on? BCHA partnered with the Colorado State University Cooperative Extension in Boulder County to present a seminar on this important and difficult question. Speakers included Bob Hamblen from CSU Extension; John Scanga: The problem as a whole, and Lori Warren: Legal Aspects of Burial. Together they covered topics of:

  • What options are available
  • Legal and other considerations
  • Burial
  • Transportation
  • Cremation / Cemeteries

April 2003: Impact of Drought on Your Pastures and Horses
Drought can impact pastures in many ways. During drought, desirable forage species can be reduced and other less desirable species may become a larger part of the available forage your animal eats. This could result in the poisoning of some horses.

On Thursday, April 24th, The Boulder County Horse Association in Partnership with Colorado State University Cooperative Extension-Boulder County held an educational seminar to address this issue.

We were very fortunate to have Dr. Anthony P. Knight, BVSc, MS, MRCVS, DACVIM as our keynote speaker. Dr. Knight is Professor and Chair, The Department of Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Colorado State University, Ft Collins, Colorado. Dr. Knight is the author of "A Guide to Plant Poisoning of Animals in North America".

This seminar focused on the plants that may be harmful to your horse during drought along with pasture management tips you can use during drought to protect your pasture. Dr. Knight also provides the latest updates on West Nile Virus and Pigeon Fever.

May 2003: Assessing a Crisis - Nancy S. Loving, DVM
This slide show seminar was presented by Dr. Nancy Loving to assist the horse owner in determining what to do when faced with a horse crisis. You arrive home from work and find your horse in the pasture with a gash in its leg. What goes through your mind when you notice your horse's eye is swollen half shut? What should you do when your horse turns up his nose at his dinner and walks away? How urgent is it when your normally sound horse trots in from the pasture with a limp? How do you decide when to call the vet and what to do for your horse? Dr. Loving reviewed many first aid measures that the horse owner can take to improve the outcome of a medical problem. We looked closely at what constitutes a true, life-threatening emergency and what situations will do fine for a short time with a horse-owner brand of first aid.

Oct 2002: Horse Evacuation Seminar
Organized and emceed by BCHA Board member Kathie Hibbard, an enthusiastic and curious group of horse people took a turn at the "trailer rodeo", listened to members of the Boulder County Sheriff's Office talk about emergency plans, learned about the importance of trailer maintenance from Mac Mackin of Mac's Trailer Service, and as a special bonus, watched a Marty Marten trailer loading demonstration. Word has it that the afternoon was most informative and an excellent program!

Oct 2002: West Nile Virus
BCHA and CSU Cooperative Extension co-sponsored a seminar on West Nile Virus. Emceed by CSU Extension Agent Paul Aravis, wonderfully informative talks were given by Dr. Nancy Loving DVM, Colorado Dept. of Health Epidemiologist John Pape, Dr. Ron Ackerman DVM, Director of Animal Health and Disease Control, of the Division of Animal Industry of the Colorado Dept. of Agriculture, Mike Maginess of Colorado Mosquito Control, Inc., and Bonnie Greenwood of the Boulder County Health Dept.

2005 Annual Membership Meeting

BCHA's annual membership meeting was held on February 10, 2005 at the Spice of Life Event Center. Julie Goodnight, featured clinician and speaker at many exciting horse events across North America, presented an informative talk on "Building Your Confidence and Other Life Lessons that Horses Teach Us". The meeting also included board elections, review of the past year's achievements, plans for the coming year, and presentation of the BCHA Achievement Award. Congratulations to Hildy Armour, this years award winner!










2004 Annual Membership Meeting
BCHA's annual membership meeting was held in February 17, 2004 at the Spice of Life Event Center. Dr. G. Marvin Beeman presented a talk on "Conformation Relationship: Form to Function". The meeting encompased board elections, review of the past year and plans for the coming year. The BCHA Achievement Award was presented to Amy Bowman and Jody Marken for their outstanding contributions and amazing service to BCHA and the horse community over the years.

Dr. Beeman's detailed presentation reminded us how strain, stress, and concussion that horses experience in the course of their work is directly related to their confirmation. By studying the anatomy of the horse, we can predict potential ailments and injuries that might occur under certain conditions.

Contact BCHA for a list of this year's accomplishments and future plans which were distributed at the meeting.

Horse Lovers' Fling

2005 "Spring to the Fling "


Boulder County Horse Association's (BCHA) Annual Horse Lovers' Fling is the major fund raising project for BCHA. The event brings hundreds of horse people together to meet, greet and celebrate Boulder County's horse industry.


Recurring features include:

• Silent auction for great buys on books, art, jewelry, riding instruction, tack, equine & human services, restaurant gift certificates, and many other 'horsey' items
• Host dinner tables can be reserved by donors and sponsors
• Artwork & BCHA displays
• Live Music and Dancing

Funds raised from the Fling benefit Boulder County horse educational programs, trail maintenance and awareness, promotional materials for the horse community and much more.

Photos by Cara Pallone

Special Events

Polo is for Everyone Tuesday, July 20, 2004, BCHA and the Colorado Therapeutic Riding Center hosted an Evening of Polo at the Center, located at 11968 Mineral Road, Longmont. Polo players from Denver and Boulder presented an informative program including video highlights from classic high-goal polo matches, a chalk talk explaining polo basics and strategy, and a live demonstration.

Public Lands Appreciation Day 2005

The Boulder County Horse Association celebrated our 7th annual Public Lands Appreciation Day, bringing public land officials and Boulder County's horse community together for trail & wagon rides and lunch on one of Boulder County's newest open space sites, Heil Valley Ranch.

Horses were provided by Mountain Mamas and BCHA trail guides accompanied our guests for a scenic ride! A catered barbeque lunch and wagon rides were enjoyed by all as we visited with public lands officials and the Heil family. Thank you to our many BCHA volunteers for organizing and assisting with this event, and a big thank you to the many BCHA participants who joined us on the trail !

photos by Pat Jarvis



Public Lands Appreciation Day 2004

A Perfect Day!
We couldn't have asked for better weather for our 2004 Public Lands Appreciation Day! Over seventy participants enjoyed trail riding, wagon rides, catered lunch, bluegrass music, and a tour of the Lohr-McIntosh house and barns. Thanks to the many volunteers who helped make this a wonderful day!

Photos by Laurie Prindle & Barb Haaland-Michaels

Public Lands Appreciation Day 2003
Public Lands Appreciation Day a Win/Win Once Again

On Sunday, August 31, 2003, over 65 BCHA members and BCHA's invited public lands officials, land managers and politicians met to experience a beautiful day in the mountains.

This year Peaceful Valley Ranch, outside of Lyons, was the host site. VIPs and their guests experienced trail rides, wagon rides, and journeyed up the mountain to the covered luncheon site. After a great deal of socializing and discussion everyone remounted and took off on a variety of trail rides. PVR staff offered 45 minute, 2 hour and 3 hour rides through and around their private property and the national forest.

Fun Show

2002 Show:The second annual BCHA Fun Show proved to be a wonderful day, in large part due to our friend and sometime foe, Mother Nature. As many of you know, the weather can make or break any event, and this year the weather was quite simply perfect! A big thank you goes out to the many volunteers on hand, as well as to Mother Nature, for making the Fun Show a big success on August 17, 2002.

Classes were comprised of traditional and not-so-traditional gymkhana games and a few pleasure classes. Jack Gathright, our announcer, got the show started about 9:15am with the Trail Class. The Trail Class had realistic obstacles like last year, including opening a gate and a mail box, riding by a tent and a baby stroller with a huge metallic balloon tied to it, negotiating a maze of heavy tree branches, through two stacks of old tires, over a small jump with a tarp hanging off to one side, and dismounting into a horse trailer! The purpose of this class was to expose your horse to a strange environment without the pressure of real competition. The riders used common sense and patience to navigate the course. Because this trail course was not typical of regular horse shows, the audience got to witness true horsemanship and courage, as the announcer pointed out.

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