would like to share links to other organizations that generally
share our values towards horses, equestrians, open space and trail
use. However, BCHA in no way endorses or warrants the products,
services, and / or competency of any establishment or individual
listed herein. BCHA reserves the right to remove links from this
page without notice.
Local Horse Organizations
Colorado Horse Council: www.cohoco.com
Colorado Horse Development Authority: www.chda.org
Colorado Horse Park: www.coloradohorsepark.com
Colorado Horse Rescue: www.chr.org
Larimer County Horseman's Association: www.angelfire.com/co3/larimerhorseman/
Mountain Region Endurance Riders: www.mrer.bravepages.com
Local Governing Organizations
Boulder County Parks and Open Space: www.co.boulder.co.us/openspace
Colorado State Parks: parks.state.co.us/home
Other Non Profit Organizations
American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP):
Boulder Community Network - Thanks for hosting our site! bcn.boulder.co.us
Boulder Area Trails Coalition: bcn.boulder.co.us/batco
Boulder County Cooperative Extension, Adrian Card, Agriculture/4-H Agent,
Colorado Mountain Club: www.cmc.org
Extension: www.ext.colostate.edu
International Mountain Biking Association: www.imba.com