Would you like to get involved?
Meet new people?
Riders, non-riders, friends, family members, and all BCHA members are
welcome to participate in helping BCHA help you and your horse. BCHA
is an all-volunteer organization. Listed below are many exciting opportunities
for our member-volunteers to pitch in. Our membership
application provides you the opportunity to indicate which activities
are of interest to you.
2005 PLAD set-up volunteers
Volunteers are needed for the 2006
Volunteers in Action!
Volunteers greet the public at the Boulder Creek Festival, May 2004
Volunteer Application Form
Volunteering for BCHA is simple.
Just open and print the attached Volunteer Form in PDF format.
Mail it with a description of your skills and how
you would like to help the BCHA organization.
Boulder County Horse Association
P.O. Box 19601
Boulder, CO 80308-2601
or phone Sandi Rosewell, Volunteer Coordinator:
Check the "EVENTS" page for specific future needs.
Listed below are some of our on-going opportunities.
Emergency Evacuation Plan
Help establish evacuation plans for the county involving developing
lists of trailer owners willing to respond.
Special Events
BCHA runs several events every year. Each of these events need volunteers to plan, setup, decorate, and otherwise run the show. Were also eager to get new ideas about what events would attract our members.
*Volunteers are being organized this fall for our 10th Annual Horse Lovers' Fling on April 15, 2006. This is our big social and fund raising event of the year with our silent auction. Call Sandi Rosewell, 730-565-1275, if you would like to help with the auction, decorating, registration, or other responsibility. It's a grand time for all!
Horse Services Directory
Approximately every 5 years BCHA produces the Boulder County Horse Services
Directory. This publication requires a large amount of research to locate
all of the horse-related services in the county, set up distribution channels,
Trails Maintenance
Join our crews several times a year to repair trails subject to heavy
use. BCHA built the Dowdy Draw trail in 1986 and has maintained it since.
We have volunteered to adopt the Switzerland
Trail across Caribou Ranch near Nederland and details will be forthcoming.
Trail Rides
BCHA hosts weekly trail rides every Wednesday to share our favorite trails
with others please join us! Contact Suzanne 303-485-2162.
Newsletter production
BCHAs newsletter, The Horses Mouth, is published bi-monthly,
keeping members informed of local events, activities and issues affecting
the horse community. We have needs for volunteers to help write, produce,
and mail the newsletters. Contact Hildy Armour, 303-442-3293, if this is your interest.
Spend time with other horse clubs to keep BCHA visible in the horse community,
and keep BCHA up on the latest events.
Telephone Committee
Help BCHA stay connected with our volunteers when special opportunities
or needs arise. |