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Rocky Mountain Environmental Health Association

Dr. Ziem's Chemical Injury Treatment Protocol


This section presents a summary of Dr. Ziem's treatment protocol for treating patients with chemical injury, especially when the injury is accompanied by increased sensitivity, such as upper/lower reactive airways. She regards this treatment as "the most significant medical intervention I've come across." It isn't a cure, and the usual need to comprehensively reduce chemical exposures is still necessary, but she reports that many of the 100-plus patients she has worked with have improved significantly.

Also, a recent, as of Spring 2012, resource is Dr. Ziem's "Environmental Control Plan for Chemically Injured Patients." This is a detailed, 29-page, printout that goes into extensive detail, with recommended manufacturers, contacts, brand names, treatments, that covers many of the challenges that chemically injured people people deal with all the time.

If you wish to use this treatment protocol, have your health care provider contact the Rocky Mountain Environmental Health Association. Fill out the Reader Response Form and someone will get in touch.

Dr. Ziem has a web site, "Science-Based Knowledge about Chemical Injury and Chemical Sensitivity for the Lay Person, Patient, and Professional" that provides further information about her treatment protocol -

Specific pages of interest by Dr Ziem -

Treating neural sensitization -

Dr. Ziem's protocol is derived from research by Dr. Martin Pall into neural injury and author of the book, "Explaining unexplained Illnesses'." More information is available at -

Dr. Martin Pall's MCS information - highly recommend reading this -

Dr. Pall's Treatment protocol -

Dr. Pall's ARG [Allergy Research Group] protocol -

Dr Pall also has a yahoo group of people who are on the protocol and discusses different researchs, etc. That group is at -

Here are active links to several web sites mentioned in Dr. Ziem's papers -

To find a compounding pharmacy in your area, search via -

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Revised '29-Apr-2018,13:40:14'