UST Legislation
State Support
Cleanup Status
UST Definitions
Oil Inspect Sec
UST Data
Site Character
New Tanks
Monitoring |
Federal LUST Regulations (continued)
Cleanup Status. EPA estimates that
since the federal underground storage tank (UST) program began, nearly 1.2
million of the roughly 2.1 million petroleum tanks subject to regulation
have been removed from service, leaving approximately 919,000 active USTs. As of June 1998, more than 358,000 releases had been
identified, nearly 302,000 cleanups had been initiated, and 192,000
cleanups had been completed. EPA expects that many more LUSTs will
be identified as owners and operators act to comply with leak prevention
and detection regulations that took effect in December 1998. Discovery of
more releases seems likely, given that EPA estimated in October 1998
that roughly 40% of 919,000 active tanks had yet to be upgraded, replaced,
or closed.
In about 95% of cases, EPA or states have been
successful in getting responsible parties to perform the cleanup. In these
cases, the cleanup costs have been typically paid for by the responsible
party, a state fund, and private insurance. As mentioned, states and EPA
use LUST Trust Fund money primarily to oversee cleanups by responsible
parties and to take enforcement actions at leaking UST sites. In those
cases where Fund monies are used directly for cleanup, the law requires
responsible parties to be held liable in cost recovery actions for such
Definitions and
Details. The EPA regulations define an underground storage
tank (UST) as a tank and any underground piping connected to the tank that
has at least 10 percent of the combined volume of the tank underground. EPA
regulations apply only to underground tanks and piping storing either
petroleum or certain hazardous substances. Some USTs are exempted from EPA regulations and do
not need to meet Federal requirements for USTs. Some of these these
types of USTs may, however, be covered by state regulations:
Farm and residential tanks
of 1,100 gallons or less capacity holding motor fuel used for
noncommercial purposes
Tanks storing heating oil
used on the premises where it is stored
Tanks on or above the
floor of underground areas, such as basements or tunnels
Septic tanks and systems
for collecting storm water and wastewater
Flow-through process tanks
Tanks of 110 gallons or
less capacity
Emergency spill and
overfill tanks
Owners of existing USTs (tanks
installed before December 22, 1988) were required to upgrade, replace, or close
their USTs by December 22, 1998. Upgrading requirements include
Corrosion protection for
tanks and piping -- tank and piping must be constructed of
noncorrodible material or material with cathodic protection (for
structurally sound tanks).
Spill protection -- catchment
basins, proper tank filling practices.
Overfill protection --
automatic shutoff devices, overfill alarms, or ball float valves.
The codes also set minimum
standards for new tanks. Standards for new tanks include
Secondary containment and
interstitial monitoring -- a vault or liner and dipstick or automated
vapor or liquid sensors.
Automatic tank gauging
systems -- monitors of product level and temperature
Vapor monitoring --
monitoring wells for detecting product vapor in the soil around the
tank and piping.
Groundwater monitoring --
monitoring wells for detecting liquid product floating on the
groundwater table.
Statistical inventory
control -- statistical analysis of inventory, delivery, and
dispensing data.
Manual tank gauging --
dipstick monitoring of tank contents, only for tanks 2,000 gallons or
Tank tightness testing --
pressure testing.
In general, these provisions are considered a major
step forward in preventing groundwater pollution. Still, the manual
tank gauging guideline was not considered acceptable by some organizations
reviewing the regulations (e.g., the Environmental
Defense Fund).

The EPA's Underground Storage Tank web

The EPA provides a comprehensive catalog of its materials
on USTs -- publications, videos, and a guide to internet availability
of these materials.